Wednesday 1 February 2012

Feb. 2

Another BONUS from one of my favorite

Dear Friends,

Today is Anti-Procrastination Day! What have you been putting off? 

How many times a day do you allow your perfectionism to paralyze you! You know exactly what I am talking about. You hear that nasty little voice in your head all the time. I don't have time right now. YOU DON'T HAVE TIME FOR WHAT? To do it RIGHT! To do it like your momma did! 

We are not good judges of time! In our heads we think emptying the dishwasher will take hours when it only takes 3 minutes! 

Our perfectionism/procrastination also hurts us in other ways. We keep putting off going to the doctor because we don't have time! We don't place an order for something we know will help us and then all of a sudden it is gone and we start to beat ourselves up over our procrastination again. 

I live by the Do it Now Principle! When something needs to be done and if it is not done then you will feel bad; this is when I do it! Think about putting a fresh roll of toilet paper in the bathroom. We only
think of it when we are in there. Guess who usually gets left with an empty roll. YOU! Your procrastination has hurt you again. 

Our minds are going 90 miles an hour. We can think of more things to do in 5 minutes than we can do in a lifetime. Let's channel some of that power into action by Doing It Now. When you find yourself using this principle more often you are going to surprise yourself! This is not getting sidetracked! It is staying focused and accomplishing something so we don't have to beat ourselves up later! 

Have you been putting something off? One day soon we will run out of our calendars and there you will be begging for one and beating yourself up because of your procrastination. You do have time; if you will just do what needs to be done and don't put it off another day! Just think, this will put an end to those nasty voices in your head! 

There are many of you that are procrastinating about shining your sink! This is the habit that changed my life! Please give it a try! It won't take that long! I know you think I am crazy when your house is a mess and you have a to do list longer than your arm and I am telling you to shine your sink. Apply the Do It Now principle and see how good you will feel! Send me an email and tell me what you accomplished today in honor of Anti-Procrastination Day! It can something small or big, it does not matter! Don't let perfectionism get in the way of Do It Now!

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